Manager’s Messages
Exterior Repairs
Dear Owners and Residents,
Rayco Exteriors has been contracted to perform exterior repairs and painting in your community. These repairs are scheduled to start in the community on or about October 17, 2022. Attached is the letter from Rayco explaining the scope of work along with important project details and contact information.
The following tasks must be completed prior to October 17, 2022:
1. Remove any hooks, nails, screws and/or all personal property from Association walls/surfaces to allow repairs to be completed and painted.
2. Remove personal items left out on common area to allow walking areas.
3. Remove any items attached to the balcony railing to allow to be repaired and painted.
4. Remove items from your balcony/deck/patio to enable repairs to be performed.
Please remove ALL personal items from balconies, wrought iron, and decking no later than 7:00 AM on Monday, October 17, 2022. If plants, pots, or other personal items are not cleared, the Association and/or Rayco or contractors performing the work will NOT assume any responsibility for any damaged items.
Please watch for notices on your front or garage doors as it will indicate when your residence will be worked on. The notices will be posted 3-5 days prior to work being completed on your unit to permit you time to properly prepare.
Please follow the instructions on the notices you receive, as the Association, the Management Company, and Rayco will not be responsible for damage or overspray to personal items not moved or protected.
If you have any questions regarding the exterior repairs and painting project, please contact your Community Manager, Michael Turner, at or 949-450-0202.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Trash in Parks/Common Areas:
Please do your part and pick up your trash throughout community. Thank you to everyone for helping to keep our community beautiful.
Reserving the Clubhouse:
Have an upcoming an event and would like to reserve the Clubhouse? Contact Management to place a hold on the date you would like to reserve. You may email at or call (800) 400-2284. The Clubhouse Agreement and Rules can be found on the Resident Portal when you login to your account.
Please be aware that Patrol One has been hired by the Association to enforce the Parking Rules & Regulations. We are still receiving complaints that residents are leaving vehicles in the alleyways for extended periods of time and leaving vehicles parked in common area parking stalls unattended for more than 72 hours. Please note that these vehicles are subject to tow at the vehicle owner’s expense. To report a parking violation, please contact Patrol One at (714) 541-0999.
Holiday Season Reminders:
It is that time of the year and the holiday season is upon us. For most of us that means out of town guests, holiday decorations, parties and gift shopping. With how busy we can all get, we tend to forget the simplest things, so we wanted to share ways to help celebrate with less chaos and stress!
- Lock your vehicles – To try and prevent from any unfortunate incident, we ask that you remember to lock your vehicle and remove all personal belongings with value out of public view.
- Package theft – Unfortunately, mail and package theft during the holidays has become an issue in Orange County, especially in nicer areas such as Founders Walk. It only takes a moment for a thief to grab a package from a door step. If you are expecting a package or delivery, please arrange for someone to be home or have the package delivered to an alternative address.
- Parking – Please be cautious of the Association’s Parking Rules. If you have guests staying, ensure they are parking in appropriate parking spaces to avoid any unfortunate towing incidents.
- Decorations – Inspect all holiday decorations and lighting before installing. It only takes a small wire or socket crack to cause a short circuit or fire.